Peace Within

Foundational Knowledge and Skills for Empaths

An online course teaching empaths what it means to be highly sensitive, how to calm the body, and ways to manage thoughts, emotions and healthy relationships.

Empathy is your superpower.

Join the waitlist below and receive an email when this course becomes available later this year.

In the meantime, take my Empath Quiz below

to see if this class would be a good fit for you.

I'm so glad you're here!

Empath Quiz

Answer True or False to the following statements.

Answer True if the statement is true now or has been true for you in the past.

Answer False if the statement is not true, or has never been true for you.

Tally your True answers on a sheet of paper

1. You feel other people’s moods to the point where it can be difficult to differentiate between someone else’s feelings and your own.

2. You’re aware of details in your environment, including subtle changes or energetic shifts in the space around you.

3. You are sensitive to pain – both your own and the pain of others. Being near someone in emotional or physical pain can be uncomfortable or intolerable for you.

4. You feel a responsibility to ease the emotional pain or discomfort of others.

5. You seem to attract selfish or anxious people.

6. In relationships you tend to give more than you receive.

7. You can easily sense what others want or need but may have a difficult time identifying what you want or need yourself.

8. People often come to you for support because you’re such a good listener.

9. You often feel depleted, drained or fatigued.

10. You can only truly rest and recharge when you're alone.

11. You tend to know what’s needed to “keep the peace” in group situations.

12. You’ve always been highly intuitive, especially with anticipating others’ needs.

13. You’re compassionate and gentle with all living things. You love animals and animals love you.

14. You’re drawn to spirituality and learning about energy – you know there’s more to life than what can be seen.

15. Your home (or room) is your sacred space – it’s where you can relax and be yourself.

16. You can feel the energy of objects or places – it’s difficult for you to stay in hotels or visit antiques shops if the energy feels negative or chaotic.

17. You have a creative mind and vivid imagination – you may have vivid dreams.

18. You prefer the freedom to choose your own schedule and take things at your own pace, you don’t like feeling rushed or pressured.

19. Helping others gives you a sense of purpose in life and you’re naturally good at it.

20. You generally avoid crowds or crowded places.

21. Persistently negative people or situations drain your energy (you avoid or moderate watching the news).

22. You carry extra weight on your body, or may have a hard time losing weight.

23. You have a hard time saying no or setting boundaries with others in need – you feel guilty when you do.

24. The idea of hurting someone else is emotionally and/or physically painful for you.

25. You can usually tell when someone is lying or being insincere.

26. You don’t like being the center of attention.

27. You have a strong desire to “do the right thing” – especially with helping those in vulnerable situations.

28. Being in nature is extremely calming – especially being in or near water.

29. When entering a room full of people, you prefer to take in your surroundings (or “feel the room”) before engaging socially with others.

30. You’re highly adaptable to the point where you can “lose yourself” in another person or situation.

31. You prefer one-on-one time with friends over group gatherings.

32. You tend to avoid conflict because high levels of negative or intense emotions are exhausting.

33. You’re willing to give to others, even when you’re depleted, but often feel bitter or resentful when others don’t reciprocate.

34. You sometimes (or often) feel numb or disconnected from your body, or are actively numbing with drugs or alcohol.

35. You have (or have had) unexplained illnesses that are difficult to diagnose or treat with western medicine – including chronic/unexplained pain, digestive problems, food allergies, autoimmune or rare diseases.


If you recorded 12 or more True answers, you're probably on the empath spectrum and feel all the feels.

The higher your number of True answers, the more sensitive you are.

Time to learn some extra skills to help you stay balanced and thriving!

If you recorded 1 to 11 True answers, you definitely have some empathic ability, but are on the less sensitive end of the empath spectrum.

If you're interested, follow up with Dr Aron's Highly Sensitive Person Quiz to compare may be highly sensitive but not necessarily a full blown empath.

Remember, no quiz can tell you who you're unique and needed in this world!